The word “Smart City” is the new in thing
in INDIA and across the globe as a strategy to mitigate the problems generated
by the urban population growth and rapid urbanization. I would like to highlight
the concept smart city understood by me.
It’s not like this concept is very new to
our mankind but in the current era of Internet of Things, we have simply
defined it in a mechanical way. Our history states the existence of
civilization that has built smart cities like Atlantis (present south Spain),
Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro (Indus Valley), and Dwarka (Gujarat).
Smart City in the era of IOT enhances its
liveability, sustainability and workability by integrating different agencies
through ICT (Information Communication Technology) and creation of command
Control Centre for smart administration. To explain the system in three simple
Step 1: Using sensors and devices, data
is collected in real time form systems such as utility management, video surveillance,
mobility solutions etc.
Step 2: The collected data is actively
communicated through wired and wireless networks to dedicated centres for
Processing, Analysing and Reporting.
Step 3: Sophisticated analytical tools
are applied on the collected Big Data, which provides relevant information for
appropriate monitoring and response.
Based on the exploration of a wide and
extensive array of literature from various disciplinary areas we identify eight
critical success factors of smart city initiatives
Above factors are the bases of an integrated
framework that will be used to examine how local governments are supporting
smart city initiatives. The framework suggests directions and agendas for smart
city research and practical implications for government professionals.
For India
More than the machines and technological factors getting amalgamated in
our daily life rapidly we should also pay attention to development of Civic
sense to build a sustainable and smart future contributing to the ultimate goal
of Smart planet by 2050.